THE BEST EMPLOYERS to work for in 2025

The best employers are looking for the best candidates!

Browse the catalogue

Why should you explore the Top 100 Best Employers Catalog?

Employees' transparent evaluations provide an authentic perspective on workplace environments within companies.
This information offers the community valuable insights about employers in Romania and supports a ranking established for over 10 years.

The first step towards the right job

The first step towards the right job

The first step towards the right job

The first step towards the right job

Discover the most appreciated companies and innovative talent management strategies. Take the first step towards your next job!

Labor market trends

Labor market trends

Labor market trends

Labor market trends

The catalogue offers a unique perspective on current HR trends and the labor market in Romania. It is a valuable resource for anyone preparing to take the next step in their career.

Insights from HR leaders and CEOs

Insights from HR leaders and CEOs

Insights from HR leaders and CEOs

Insights from HR leaders and CEOs

Learn directly from the source how those who build successful teams think! The included interviews provide a unique perspective on leadership strategies, innovation, and organizational culture.

A barometer of career opportunities

A barometer of career opportunities

A barometer of career opportunities

A barometer of career opportunities

The catalogue includes valuable information about employers, giving you access to details about their organizational culture, development programs, benefits offered, and available opportunities.

Are you an employer or HR?

Are you an employer or HR?

Are you an employer or HR?

Are you an employer or HR?

Browse this catalogue and discover what the best in the industry are doing to attract and retain talent, and adapt your company's strategy.

Anniversary Edition
Online & Print
Voting period: 16.11.23 - 15.10.24

What do the numbers say about the success of our catalogue?

+500k candidates have downloaded the catalogue
+5k companies analyzed in the last 10 years
+1000 pages of useful career advices
10 years of evaluating the best employers
+125k employer reviews annually

Top 100 Best Employers Catalogue based on real employee reviews

A structure that reflects the reality of the labor market

Top 100 Employers

Large Companies: Dedicated to organizations with over 250 employees, leaders in creating exceptional work environments.

Top 50 Employers

Medium-Sized Companies: Highlighting smaller companies with a significant impact on employees.

Top Industries

Explore 13 industries and discover the most admired employers in each sector.

Pages dedicated to Top companies

An in-depth look at organizational culture, attractive benefits, and company values.

Testimonials and interviews

Inspiring perspectives from leaders and motivational experiences from employees.

The criteria that make a difference in the Top Best Employers

The reviews collected on the platform are organized around the overall rating and five main criteria

  • Overall rating of the reviews
  • Career opportunities
  • Salary package
  • Work-life balance
  • Management
  • Procedures and values

*The ranking includes reviews registered on the platform during the period: 16.11.23 - 15.10.24.

Top Employers Conference 2025

During the Conference, we recognize and reward top employers for their excellence in creating work environments based on transparency, innovation, and employee appreciation.


February 13, 2025


In-person: Face Convention Center

What about?

Challenges and solutions in Top Employers companies.


"Acest premiu este o recunoaștere cu care ne mândrim și o onoare pentru noi. Se datorează unui efort comun al tuturor colegilor noștri, cărora le mulțumim pentru munca depusă și implicarea pe care o arată în fiecare zi. Locul întâi ne arată că suntem în direcția bună și promitem că nu ne vom opri aici. Vom continua să facem tot ceea ce putem, astfel încât toți colegii noștri să continue să fie motivați și fericiți. Totodată, ne-am propus să devenim prima opțiune a candidaților care își doresc o carieră în retail, iar acest premiu este un pas în plus către îndeplinirea obiectivului"

Johanna Chivaran - HR Manager JYSK România

Learning & Development Lead

TOP 100 BEST EMPLOYERS Catalogue previous editions