Are you about to start a new career?
The process of looking for or changing a job is a long, intense and complex one. During this stage, some aspects are essential regardless of the job or field of interest and we want to support you to make the best choices.
Do you want to change your current job or your career path?
How do you approach the topic workplace?
Whether you are a recent graduate just starting out on your dream job, looking to change your current job, or in need of a change and thinking about a career path shift, we want you to know how you can adapt more easily and make informed decisions.
Here are the 4 most important steps we recommend you follow regardless of your professional status:

It is especially important to be informed about the employer: from the company's website, social networks and the press, as well as on other platforms such as In our community you will find the necessary information for the stage you are in both from the perspective of candidates and employers.

Curriculum Vitae is your business card, so you must make every effort to highlight the most important professional achievements, skills, competencies, but also your motivation for the position you are applying for!

When applying for a job it is important to always be up to date with the available jobs and apply only to those that match your profile, provide the information you need or where you could convince with your motivation during the interview or at any point of employment.

The success rate at the interview is based on the preliminary efforts made by the candidate in the information and application stage. The interview performance involves prior training on all aspects that can make the difference between candidates, but also how the candidate manages the pressure of the form of interview chosen by the interviewer.
What stage of your professional career are you in?
Every new beginning comes with challenges, big or small. Are you a recent graduate looking to start a career?
The first step in finding the right job at the start of your career is to understand whether your studies have a theoretical basis that you want to apply practically and professionally.
If you are unsure or uncertain about your chosen major since high school, we recommend that you make these efforts now to understand how well you would be suited to continue with the applicability of your academic knowledge, and if you need help, you can confidently turn to career guidance specialists.
Are you sure you know what jobs you want to apply for?

Current labor market status and adjustment tips
In the dynamic labor market landscape of the 2025, adaptability becomes essential. Increase your professional value by investing in continuing education and developing digital skills. In your professional interactions emphasise your adaptability and essential people skills. Stay connected to new trends to stand out in a changing professional environment.
Labor market adjustment tips:

Understanding the need for a balance between office work and remote work;

Social distancing at the office in balance with a favorable experience as an employee;

Opening and adapting to digitization as needed by companies;

Understanding the possibility of career change path when needed;

Optimism and responsibility at work.
The job market has transformed, the supply of jobs has shrunk significantly, and the number of real options you can consider when choosing a career has shrunk.
In this situation it is advisable to balance personal desires with the pressure to commit quickly based on a clear set of criteria. When it comes to choosing the right job, the most important thing is to choose the ones that matter most out of the multitude of criteria.
To make this process of finding the right job as easy as possible, we suggest you follow a simple action plan:
How to approach the job search process?

Who am I?
- Competences
- Values
- Achievements
- Preferences
- Purposes
- Interests
- Strengths/Weaknesses

What sources do I have?
- Collecting the necessary information
- Online resources
- Recommendations from former colleagues
- Networking
- Newspapers, magazines, other publications

How do I get a job?
- Job search methods
- CV writing
- Writing a letter of intent
- The job interview
Tips for your future job:
Have you gone through the stages of the selection process and want to make sure you have chosen the right job?
1. Find out what the job really entails:
What are the real activities and their weight in the work schedule, talk to people who are already in the field and can give you real and complete information.
2. The opportunity to use your strengths:
You may be analytical, synthetic, creative, empathetic, attentive to detail, clear in communication and it is important to check that you will work where you can use your skills naturally, happily and motivated.
3. Be given the opportunity for continuous learning:
The opportunity for career growth is a need felt by all of us, regardless of our level of experience, skills or training, so we recommend that you choose the company that can fulfil this need.
4. Salary negotiation:
It is well known that salary is closely related to the level of motivation of the employee at work, so we recommend that you research the subject thoroughly so that your quality of life, motivation and enthusiasm are not affected.
5. Confirm the financial offer:
At this stage it is important to clarify the financial growth prospects on performance scenarios and prove to the employer that you have achieved the assumed plan.

How to achieve your goal of being a happy employee at work?
- Prove that you are the professional who participated in the interview!
- Ask for help when you feel stuck!
- Explore all the lifelong learning facilities available to employees!
- Establish transparent and trust-based relationships with all colleagues!
- Strengthen the relationship with your manager/coordinator!
- Show interest for your colleagues`achievements even if your job does not involve team work!
- Stay realistic throughout the hiring process!
Future workplace: office or remote?
Before you say you've found the job you want, it's important to understand whether the place where you work could make a difference. Are you the kind of person who could fit in either way or is it imperative that you work from a desk or remotely?
When the work environment is different from what we were previously used to, your habits change too and for your productivity to turn into a positive amount it is important to be a very organised person. The new reality in the job market is the remote way of working, so the 'workplace' becomes home and the employee has to manage a work-life balance.
Do you think you know how to do this?
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