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Real tips for your career

Expert advice and relevant information

Articles dedicated to the professional development of candidates, HR people and managers.

Directly from professionals

Experience translated into words shared with all who want to grow professionally.

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What if ... could learn in just 3 minutes a day things necessary for your development?

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Do you have a work experience that others can learn from?

Tell me who you're learning from so I can tell you who you are

According to psychologist Lev Vygotsky, the development of the individual can be more effective if he learns from "a more knowledgeable other" (someone more experienced).

Vygotsky further developed this idea in the ZPD theory (zone of proximal development), which he defines as the distance between what children can learn individually and what they can learn under adult guidance.

And here we come in.

We provide you with the most experienced personal and professional development coaches so that you can excel in life and career. Invest 3 minutes a day and learn from the advice and information provided by our specialists.

What kind of information can we help you with?

Articles and events dedicated to students

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Articles and events dedicated to candidates

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Articles and events dedicated to employees

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Articles and events dedicated to managers

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Articles and events dedicated to HR specialists

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articles about personal and professional development


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The articles are written by professional experts in their field of work. If you want to be part of this community, let us know.