Discover the TOP 100 BEST EMPLOYERS to work for in 2025!
The best employers are looking for the best candidates.
Today, we continue our series of interviews with experts from companies included in the Top 100 Employers on, featuring Lidl Romania. Thanks to the sustained efforts of the team in creating a work environment where every employee ...
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Analyzing the feedback from the Top Employers Conference, we were delighted to find that one of the most highly appreciated moments of the event was the HR Round Table Series. The 16 interactive sessions, held concurrently b...
Last week we covered together what, year after year, is confirmed to be the biggest HR event in the country: the Top Employers Conference. Now that the event is over and the team has settled down, we took a seat in front of ...
The job market has evolved significantly in recent years, and 2025 is no exception. Interviews are increasingly conducted online, requirements change rapidly, and candidates need to be better prepared than ever. Below, you’ll find a series of in...
We continue the series of interviews with experts from the companies included in the Top 100 Employers on Through these interviews, we aim to highlight some of the most remarkable employers in Romania and show you what makes a ...
Viața profesională nu urmează întotdeauna o linie dreaptă. Fie că este vorba despre o pauză voluntară pentru creșterea copiilor, studii suplimentare sau o schimbare de direcție, fie una impusă de circumstanțe, reîntoarcerea pe piața muncii poate f...
Who doesn't check at the beginning of the year what public holidays will be in 2025 and how many working days will be there? That's why we've prepared the calendar of days off for this year, so you know how to plan your vacation and ...
Urmând misiunea noastră de a transparentiza piața muncii, continuăm astăzi seria de interviuri cu organizațiile din România care au o relație bună cu angajații lor. Astăzi, ducem acest demers mai departe printr-un interviu cu Cristina Pavel...
Un CV nu este doar o simplă listă de competențe și experiențe profesionale, ci poate deveni o poveste care să impresioneze recrutorii. Folosirea tehnicilor de storytelling poate transforma un CV dintr-un document sec, formal, într-o reprezent...
Premiere in the Top Employers 2024: Retail and financial banking sectors lead the top, while IT&C, the leading industry over the last ten years, has fallen sharply JYSK , Philip Morris , and Deichmann are the most ...
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