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The best employers are looking for the best candidates.

Who's your ally on your path to an Authentic Employer Brand?

Discover our Employer Branding, Analytics, Jobbing, Salary Report and LinkedIn Learning solutions designed to help you with your recruitment strategy.

It all begins here with a Free Employer Account.


How Employer Branding supports your efforts

of recruiting leaders around the world agree that employer branding has a significant impact on hiring
of job seekers consider a company's employer brand when applying for a job
of candidates want to know about team culture and values before accepting a job offer
Cristina Ionescu
Aura Voicu
Ionuț Bănulescu
Cătălina Arhire
Ramona Ștefan

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Explore the benefits of your FREE Employer Account

Reply feature: Engage in community management by responding to review.
Review alerts: React promptly to user feedback.
Stay up to date: Receive regular updates on industry news and trends through our HR newsletter.
Promote transparency: Join community and be one of the companies that promotes transparency in the labor market.

Why be part of

We are the largest employee community in Romania dedicated to transparency in the labor market.


Through, you can build an authentic and measurable Employer Brand by making data-driven decisions based on real employee reviews.

Our salary benchmarking tool is based on real market salary validated by employees.

The candidates you recruit are well-informed by reading reviews about your company.


Our HR solutions are 360°: from attracting knowledgeable candidates to engaging and retaining current employees.

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+2 mil
page views
partnerships with employers
+5 mil
anual visitors

Let's partner in your journey to an
Authentic Employer Brand!

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Let's talk about Employer Branding and Recruitment!


Ne bucurăm de fiecare dată când avem șansa de a ne mândri cu ceea ce facem noi, colegii de la BCR. Și este cu atât mai frumos când ai un loc unde oamenii de pretutindeni pot intra să citească mărturiile colegilor din BCR și să afle direct de la sursă cum este mediul nostru de lucru și cu ce ne mândrim. ne-a ajutat să comunicăm mai ușor cu toți candidații.

Maria Georgiana Olaru - BCR - Banca Comerciala Romana SA

Specialist Employer Branding
Maria Georgiana Olaru - BCR - Banca Comerciala Romana SA
UL has contributed to raising awareness and attractiveness of the EY employer brand to a wider audience, share our culture and our value proposition, as well as promote our colleagues’ and collaborators’ impressions and opinions on EY Romania.

At EY, we see ourselves as builders of a better working world and, in many respects, UL shares a similar vision in the Romanian labor market. They strive to accurately depict and assess Romanian employers, as well as push for transparency and change.

Monica Georgescu - EY Romania

Employer Branding & Internal Communication Coordinator
Monica Georgescu - EY Romania

Reach Out for Tailored Solutions!

Cristina Ionescu

Cristina Ionescu
0771 366 040

Ionuț Bănulescu

Ionuț Bănulescu
0774 095 281

Cătălina Arhire

Cătălina Arhire
0771 397 103

Aura Voicu

Aura Voicu
0770 413 709

Ramona Ștefan

Ramona Ștefan
0766 485 557



Answers to frequently asked questions
