Discover the TOP 100 BEST EMPLOYERS to work for in 2025!

The best employers are looking for the best candidates.

Uncover market-driven salaries:

Solve your salary benchmarking dilemma!

Salary Report is the solution to the HR eternal question: „How much should we offer for this position?" Pay is a top priority for candidates and employees! Leverage our validated market data to offer competitive salaries for all your open positions and current employees.


Salary benchmarking made easy:

Get a complete Salary Report for any role

Salary Report solution offers you a complete report with the salaries practiced for the same role you're looking to hire or to retain.
The report provides (for the required position):

Relevant statistical values such as Minimum, Maximum, Average, Median.


Salary split by location: top regions in the country.


Relevant data on the 25% and 75% quartiles.


Salary split by gender: women, men.


Split salaries by experience level: <2 years, 2-5 years, >5 years.


Top benefits provided by other employers.

As the demand for determining suitable compensation rises among companies, we've consolidated our resources into a report that enables companies to compare the salary and benefits offered in the market. Rewarding your talent competitively starts here!
Ionuț Bănulescu
Cristina Ionescu
Aura Voicu
Ramona Ștefan
Cătălina Arhire

Contact us and get a personalized offer!

Why choose our
Salary Report solution?

Because you gain access to several market-leading benefits:

Real Employee Transparency
The salary data used in the report comes from actual employees who voluntarily share their salaries on our platform


Comprehensive Dataset
Over 400.000 salaries have been collected from users, creating a robust and reliable data pool.

Up-to-Date Information
The salaries included in the report are no more than 12 months old, ensuring you have access to the most current market data.


AI-Powered Insights
Our algorithm extracts accurate and up-to-date metrics such as mean salary, median salary, quartiles, and other valuable insights

Why is
salary benchmarking


decrease in recruitment time


increase your interview attendance

Why adapt
your compensation strategy

with our Salary Report?


salary contributions


employees already got fair pay with Salary Report


industries covered

Elevate your employer brand!Connect with our consultants and explore our solutions.

Cătălina Arhire

Cătălina Arhire
0771 397 103

Ionuț Bănulescu

Ionuț Bănulescu
0774 095 281

Ramona Ștefan

Ramona Ștefan
0766 485 557

Cristina Ionescu

Cristina Ionescu
0771 366 040

Aura Voicu

Aura Voicu
0770 413 709

Ready to solve your salary benchmarking dilemma?

Order your Salary Report now!

It all begins here with a Free Employer Account.


Get in touch with our consultants for a personalized Salary Report Solution.



Answers to frequently asked questions
