1st Level Operation Engineer
Ericsson Romania
1st Level Operation Engineer
1 day
Positive experience
I accepted the offer
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How did the interview go?
Am avut parte de doua interviuri, unul foarte basic cu HR.In care am discutat in special pe baza cunostintelor in limba engleza.Cu TL-ul a fost ceva mai tehnic, in general am discutat pe protocoale de networking, comenzi linux.
Interview questions and tests
-Descrie-ti stiva de protocole OSI
-Mesaje de tip DHCP
-Comenzi linux(pwd,ls,mv,rm)
-Ce este un root in linux
-Mesaje de tip DHCP
-Comenzi linux(pwd,ls,mv,rm)
-Ce este un root in linux
Positive experience
I accepted the offer
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