Asistent Shop Manager
Starbucks Romania
Floreşti, judeţul Cluj
Asistent Shop Manager
3 days
Positive experience
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How did the interview go?
Interviul a decurs foarte bine, a fost intr-un mediu prietenos, degajat, fara presiuni sau intrebari care sa ma puna in dificultate.
Interview questions and tests
Intrebari legate de experienta altor locuri de munca, a dorintelor profesionale pe termen scurt/mediu/lung s-au evitat intrebarile inchise pentru a ma pune in ipostaza de a dezvolta ideile.
Positive experience
I accepted the offer
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Consilier vanzari / Asistent Shop Manager
Consilier vanzari / Asistent Shop Manager
1 month
Neutral experience
I accepted the offer
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Neutral experience
I accepted the offer
Received answer