Bootcamp SQL
Bootcamp SQL
3 months
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Interview questions and tests
1. Test de inteligenta + google form cu SQL
2. Interviu online, intrebari hr + live coding SQL ( intrebari tehnice: cursori, view-uri, index, constraint-uri, tipuri de date, cod: de creat tabele cu diferite constraint-uri, inserat date, o situatie reala )
3. Interviu la sediu ( nimic tehnic)
2. Interviu online, intrebari hr + live coding SQL ( intrebari tehnice: cursori, view-uri, index, constraint-uri, tipuri de date, cod: de creat tabele cu diferite constraint-uri, inserat date, o situatie reala )
3. Interviu la sediu ( nimic tehnic)
Positive experience
I accepted the offer
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Bootcamp SQL
Bootcamp SQL
5 days
Positive experience
I accepted the offer
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Positive experience
I accepted the offer
Received answer