Customer Care and Retention Specialist


Customer Care and Retention Specialist
1 day
Very easy
Positive experience Experience positive
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
Received answer Feedback received

How did the interview go?

am fost sunata de hr pt a stabili interviul online. Acolo am fost alaturi de aceeasi persoan Hr si supervisorul echipei din care urma sa fac parte. Intrebarile ok despre mine, de ce doresc sa lucrez acolo si ce vreau de la cariera mea, intrebari despre personalitatea mea, am simtit un vibe ok de la ambele persoane si per total atmosfera a fost foarte buna

Interview questions and tests

nu am avut teste, intrebarile au fost legate de personalitatea mea, asteptarile mele profesionale
Experience positive Positive experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
Feedback received Received answer
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Customer Care and Retention Specialist


Customer Care and Retention Specialist
7 days
Positive experience Experience positive
I declined the offer Offer refused
Received answer Feedback received

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Experience positive Positive experience
Offer refused I declined the offer
Feedback received Received answer