Financial Accountant with German

Accenture Romania

Financial Accountant with German
2 months
Very easy
Negative experience Experience negative
I declined the offer Offer refused
Received answer Feedback received

How did the interview go?

Din punctul meu de vedere discursul a mers foarte bine. A ramas ca voi fi anuntata in maxim o saptamana in legatura cu oferta. Nu s-a intamplat asta. Dupa 2 luni si-au adus aminte de mine si au venit cu oferta. I-am refuzat politicos si le-am spus ca este destul de tarziu si ca intre timp am acceptat alta oferta la o alta companie.

Interview questions and tests

Intrebarile clasice ale unui interviu. Nimic special
Experience negative Negative experience
Offer refused I declined the offer
Feedback received Received answer