Fullstack Javascript Developer

Veziv IT Services

Fullstack Javascript Developer
1 day
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Am fost contactat pe whatsapp cum ca am inregistrat un rezultat pozitiv in urma code test ului ce mi-au dat tot pe whatsapp. Am stabilit o data si o ora pentru interviul respectiv.

Interviul a decurs destul de ok, mi-au zis că ei colaborează doar cu persoane juridice şi din acest motiv eram nevoit să-mi deschid un SRL

Interview questions and tests

Develop a small web application that lets manage the list of showcased works for a digital worker.
An entry can be hidden from the portfolio and can have a link to its customer's website:

1. UI/UX design: Design the user interface and user experience of the application to make it visually appealing and easy to use.

2. Data Modeling: Define the data structure and relationships for the portfolio entries.

3. CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations: Implement functionality for adding, editing, and removing entries from the portfolio.

4. Portfolio display: Develop the functionality to display the portfolio entries in a list or grid format.

5. Image Upload: Implement functionality to allow the user to upload images for each portfolio entry.

6. Hide/Unhide entries: Implement functionality to hide or unhide a portfolio entry from being displayed.

7. Customer link: Implement functionality to include a link to the customer's website for each portfolio entry.

8. Responsiveness: Ensure the application is responsive and looks good on different devices and screen sizes.

9. Testing: Perform thorough testing of the application to ensure it is functioning as expected.

In short, the following tasks are needed to make your entry valid:

1. Use Angular CLI to create a new project and define at least a component.
2. Create a model to represent a showcased work's details.
3. Display the list of works using an ngFor directive.
4. Add the functionality to add a new work using a form.
5. Add the functionality to edit an existing work.
6. Add the functionality to delete an existing work.
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TARA interactive

Fullstack Javascript Developer

TARA interactive

Fullstack Javascript Developer
1 day
Very easy
Negative experience Experience negative
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
Received answer Feedback received

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Experience negative Negative experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
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Fullstack Javascript Developer


Fullstack Javascript Developer
7 days
Positive experience Experience positive
No offers received No offer
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MassMutual Romania

Fullstack Javascript Developer

MassMutual Romania

Fullstack Javascript Developer
3 days
Positive experience Experience positive
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
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Experience positive Positive experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
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FullStack JavaScript Developer Intern


FullStack JavaScript Developer Intern
1 day
Positive experience Experience positive
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
Received answer Feedback received

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Experience positive Positive experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
Feedback received Received answer