Ref marketing&comercial

Cyclon Tech

Ref marketing&comercial
2 days
Negative experience Experience negative
I declined the offer Offer refused

How did the interview go?

Interviul s-a desfasurat preponderent pe baza intrebarilor adresate catre GM privind cerintele din anunt(sarcinile de serviciu) si despre companie.

Interview questions and tests

Intrebarile pe care le-am adresat catre GM:
Ce a determinat vacantarea postului si de cat timp?
Ce departam. are compania si cate pers sunt?
Ce-si doreste GM de la depart. de marketing?
Ce instrumente software exista in companie pt inreg de date despre clineti si oportunitati si pt analize?
Ce obiective doreste GM sa atinga prin planul de marketing?
Ce solutie de software integrat exista in companie si ce procese sunt integrate?
Ce-si doreste GM dpdv comercial?
Experience negative Negative experience
Offer refused I declined the offer