Reprezentant ofertare (tehnic si economic)

Sikla SRL

Reprezentant ofertare (tehnic si economic)
7 days
Negative experience Experience negative
I declined the offer Offer refused
Received answer Feedback received

How did the interview go?

Total neprofesionist m-am abtinut sa nu ma ridic si sa plec in timp ce ei vorbeau.
Si daca doriti sa va angajati la ei v-a trebui sa faceti medicina munci pe banii dvs. La un centru care ofera aceste servicii nu la medicul de familie

Interview questions and tests

Te intreaba ce ai facut la ultimul job si atat si comenteaza dupa aceea ei pe seama atributiilor tale nepotrivit
Experience negative Negative experience
Offer refused I declined the offer
Feedback received Received answer
Locked Search Contributions

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Reprezentant ofertare (tehnic si economic)


Reprezentant ofertare (tehnic si economic)
1 day
Positive experience Experience positive
No offers received No offer
Received answer Feedback received

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Experience positive Positive experience
No offer No offers received
Feedback received Received answer