Senior Presales Manager

Luxoft Romania

Senior Presales Manager
4 days
Very easy
Negative experience Experience negative
No offers received No offer
Received answer Feedback received

How did the interview go?

Am fost recomandat de cineva intern pentru pozitia de presales manager, avand experienta pe rol de technical presales analyst mi s-a spus ca ma potrivesc profilului, am fost sunat de HR unde am confirmat ca sunt interesat de rol si niste detalii din CV si aspectarile salarile urmand sa fiu sunat dupa de un manager, ulterior fiind contactat de HR ca nu am mers mai departe. Apreciez ca am fost contactat direct si nu cun mail automat din sistem tho

Interview questions and tests

Experience negative Negative experience
No offer No offers received
Feedback received Received answer