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Service analyst with italian

Anonim SRL

Service analyst with italian
1 day
Negative experience Experience negative
I declined the offer Offer refused
Received answer Feedback received

How did the interview go?

Primul interviu a fost ok, al doile interviul operational mi sa parut foarte penibil si o pierdere de timp. Atat timp cat am aplicat pentru postul de !LIMBA ITALIANA! Mi sa parut ca sa pus extrem de mult accent pe Limba ENGLEZA , si era mult mult mult mai prioritara. Atunci care este sensul sa pui ca este postul pentru LIMBA ITALIANA! De benefici nici nu vreau sa mai vorbesc , mai bine ma abtin!

Interview questions and tests

Testare nivel de limba Italiana , si extrem de mult accent pe limba ENGLEZA! Care este mult mai prioritară , si o intrebare in caz ca nu merge Outlook-ul ce sa faci :))) Jesus daca nu cunosti in detaliu aplicatia si sa nu fi familiarizat , de unde sa sti daca apare o eroare ce sa faci.. te pui sa verifici :)) dar nici sa nu pierzi prea mult timp.. penibil atat!
Experience negative Negative experience
Offer refused I declined the offer
Feedback received Received answer
Locked Search Contributions

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Modis Romania

Service analyst with italian

Modis Romania

Service analyst with italian
2 weeks
Neutral experience Experience neutral
I declined the offer Offer refused
Received answer Feedback received

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Experience neutral Neutral experience
Offer refused I declined the offer
Feedback received Received answer