Specialist/Tehnician IT

Synlab Romania

Specialist/Tehnician IT
1 day
Very easy
Negative experience Experience negative
No offers received No offer
Received answer Feedback received

How did the interview go?

Am fost contactat telefonic de un reprezentant al acestei companii. Dupa ce s-a prezentat, m-a intrebat direct ce asteptari salariale am. Am cerut 4200 Ron net, avand aproape 6 ani experienta in domeniu, iar in descrierea job-ului, compania a specificat sumele intre 700-900 Euro oferit pt salariu. La ora actuala, 900 Euro = putin peste 4200 Lei. Am fost instiintat ca oferta nu se aproprie asteptarilor mele salariale. Asta a fost tot.

Interview questions and tests

Fara teste.
Experience negative Negative experience
No offer No offers received
Feedback received Received answer