Specialist marketing junior

Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor

Specialist marketing junior
2 months
Neutral experience Experience neutral
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
Received answer Feedback received

How did the interview go?

A fost mediu ca si dificultate, cu intrebari legate de cunostintele mele in marketing si in microsoft office

Interview questions and tests

Despre studii, cunostinte in excel si powerpoint
Experience neutral Neutral experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
Feedback received Received answer
Locked Search Contributions

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Toyota Romania

Specialist marketing junior

Toyota Romania

Specialist marketing junior
1 day
Very easy
Negative experience Experience negative
I declined the offer Offer refused
Received answer Feedback received

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Experience negative Negative experience
Offer refused I declined the offer
Feedback received Received answer