System Administrator L2
Net Communication Systems SRL
System Administrator L2
2 days
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How did the interview go?
Am fost contactat de managerul pe achizitii in urma aplicarii pentru a programa un interviu pe Teams, am avut urmatoarea zi interviul, intr-o saptamana aveam actele pregatite. Totul s-a miscat repede
Interview questions and tests
Interviul a fost scurt si la obiect, nu am avut abateri la subiect insa, d.p.m.d.v., as mai fi adaugat cateva intrebari. In cazul meu nu era nevoie insa pentru persoanele noi angajate ar fi trebuit.
Negative experience
I accepted the offer
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System Administrator L2
Oracle Romania
System Administrator L2
30 days
Positive experience
I accepted the offer
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Positive experience
I accepted the offer
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