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Vanzator door to door

Telekom Romania

Vanzator door to door
1 day
Positive experience Experience positive
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
Received answer Feedback received

How did the interview go?

Am dat interviu direct cu seful de echipa de vanzari de atunci. Au vrut sa stie ce scoala am terminat si detalii despre mine, ca om. Nu au cereri specifice si angajeaza pe oricine cred ei ca are potential in dialogul cu clientii door to door. Am fost angajat prin partenerul rol Pro Solutions.

Interview questions and tests

Nu au fost teste specifice deoarece este un job entry-level unde nu se cere experienta. Trebuie sa cunosti o limba de circulatie internationala si sa ai bacul.
Experience positive Positive experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
Feedback received Received answer