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Vulnerability Management Consultant

Accenture Romania

Vulnerability Management Consultant
1 day
Negative experience Experience negative
No offers received No offer
No answer No feedback received

How did the interview go?

Super ok si chill. Toata lumea parea inccantata. Feedbacuk a fost cica "foarte positiv". Am fost incurajat cca mergem mai departe dar am fost ghosted :))) Dupa 1 saptamana am incercat sa aflu detalli si tipa de la HR imi daduse block la telefon si Linkedin. Prima oara cand am patit in viata mea sa ceva :))

Interview questions and tests

Partea tehnica e usoara. Intrebarile uzuale. S-au axat mai mult p soft skills
Experience negative Negative experience
No offer No offers received
No feedback received No answer