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Web/Graphic Designer


Web/Graphic Designer
1 day
Very easy
Neutral experience Experience neutral
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
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How did the interview go?

a fost o simpla discutie cu HR si Creative Directorul, mai mult mi s-a povestit despre Hogarth decat sa fiu intrebat lucruri, a durat maxim o ora, nu a existat o proba tehnica, totul a fost pe baza portofoliului.

Interview questions and tests

Au fost intrebari destul de generale, a fost unul dintre cele mai usoare interviuri pe care le-am dat vreodata. Apoi nu am mai auzit nimic de ei cam 3 saptamani pana intr-o seara cand am fost sunat de HR si anuntat ca am primit o oferta pe mail.
Experience neutral Neutral experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
Feedback received Received answer
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Network One Distribution

Web/Graphic Designer

Network One Distribution

Web/Graphic Designer
1 day
Positive experience Experience positive
No offers received No offer
Received answer Feedback received

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Experience positive Positive experience
No offer No offers received
Feedback received Received answer