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Working student Cloud Development


Working student Cloud Development
1 week
Positive experience Experience positive
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Primul inetrviu si anume testul a fost unul foarte usor, iar interviul de dupa acesta a decurs intr-un mod placut, intr-o maniera prietenoasa.

Interview questions and tests

Intrebari de cultura generala in domeniul respectiv
Experience positive Positive experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
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1&1 Internet Development

Working student Cloud Development

1&1 Internet Development

Working student Cloud Development
1 day
Positive experience Experience positive
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
Received answer Feedback received

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Experience positive Positive experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
Feedback received Received answer
Bosch Romania

Working student Cloud Development

Bosch Romania

Working student Cloud Development
1 day
Positive experience Experience positive
I accepted the offer Offer accepted
Received answer Feedback received

To view all information please login to your account

Experience positive Positive experience
Offer accepted I accepted the offer
Feedback received Received answer