Arrk Research & Development Arrk Research & Development
Arrk Research & Development

Arrk Research & Development


144 reviews

Connecting Minds


Connecting Minds: Key Moments from the ARRK and UTCN Blended Intensive Program (BIP) Event!

We at ARRK Research & Development were proud to be part of the Blended Intensive Program (BIP) event held in Cluj-Napoca. This fantastic event brought together brilliant students from Europe.

We had the pleasure of welcoming students from France, Germany, Latvia, and 8 talented students from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. A special thanks to the esteemed professors Cristian Dudescu, Radu Chiorean, and Mihaela Simion for joining us and coordinating the team from TUCN.

Our colleagues Racz Laszlo, Alex Ungur, Szilagyi Gabriel, and Davide Abdelal delivered compelling presentations on their departments - Passive Safety, CFD, NVH Strength. They also provided invaluable insights into the automotive industry, sparking great interest and discussion among the participants. Timea Kovacs also helped with the organizing of this insightful event.

We are proud to support the next generation of engineers and look forward to more such collaborative events in the future!