Arrk Research & Development Arrk Research & Development
Arrk Research & Development

Arrk Research & Development


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Meet the team - new issue from Cluj


New interview edition to get to know our team of ARRK Research & Development in Cluj - meet Group Leader Mihael Vele.

Talk about yourself: your career path and your motivation.

My journey into the world of engineering officially began when I attended the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. During this time, I developed a good feeling for manufacturing technologies and CAD design and participated in all available innovation activities. The result was that I was hired as an engineer shortly after graduation.

How did your professional career start at ARRK and how did it evolve to the current Group Leader position?

I’ve joined ARRK in 2016, in the newly developed Body-in-White Team. The collaboration between the ARRK offices was very productive and thanks to my mentors I quickly got involved in the project workflow. The hard work of the team paid off, the projects complexity increased, along with the responsibility of building a strong team that could meet future challenges.

What do you particularly like about this experience and what advice has been most useful to you on your career path?

During my career, I enjoy having access to the latest innovations in the automotive industry and the opportunity to apply my expertise to products that will have a major impact on generations to come. An important advice for me has been to never stop learning and that you can’t make mistakes if you don’t work.

What is particularly important for you when working with your team?

For me, good communication in the project team is very important, each member must have confidence in his/her skills and embrace his/her responsibilities as an engineer. Each team member must feel the importance of his/her role and should have the chance to express and apply his/her ideas in the project he/she is working on.

What has influenced you most during your years on the job?

During my career, I have met many different personalities, which has had a positive impact on my personal development. Having the opportunity to see different perspectives from engineers and managers from another generation and culture than mine has helped me develop a better understanding of the values that are important to becoming a good employee and person.

What topics are you responsible for at ARRK Engineering?

My responsibility at ARRK Engineering is to make sure that I choose the right team members, that they receive the best training and they can develop their competences in the right project environment. As Group Leader, it is my job to make sure that the team is motivated and their efforts are appreciated.

What makes it attractive to work in your department?

Working in my department is attractive because you have the chance to develop car body parts together with a team that has the necessary know-how and is willing to share it with all the new members. The values that are a must in our department are: Teamwork, Progress, Honesty.

What are the main challenges in the automotive industry or in your department in the next 5 years?

The automotive industry is impacted by regulations that could bring prosperity and safety to the field, but this could have also a negative impact on the consistency of the projects. The biggest challenge is to be flexible enough to adapt and respond to next requirements and trends in the automotive industry.