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Arrk Research & Development

Arrk Research & Development


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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca AI Research Institute


Cluj will be home to the first research center built from the ground up since the Revolution! The groundbreaking ceremony for the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) AI Research Institute took place on May 24.

This pioneering project, costing around 88 million lei (excluding VAT), is funded by the university's own resources and potentially European funds. Major companies are already showing interest in this unique endeavor, as stated by the UTCN Rector.

The construction, expected to be completed in 18 months, will cover 14,000 square meters and house 33 laboratories. It will bring together 300 professors, master's students, and researchers.

We are proud to partner with UTCN and were honored to attend this milestone event. The institute, located on Observator Street, will include 30 research laboratories, 15 support rooms, conference halls, and collaborative spaces, all equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities and high-performance IT infrastructure.