Edenred Romania Edenred Romania
Edenred Romania

Edenred Romania


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Edenred: The fringe benefits industry plays a vital role in driving digitalization


This year, Edenred focused on its commitment to innovation and digitalization while expanding the range of benefits it offers. Dana Sintejudean, Benefits & Engagement Zone Director for Europe, Middle-East, and Hispanic America (EMEHA) at Edenred, tells Business Review about the main business objectives

What were the main challenges of 2023 from a management point of view?

Despite facing numerous challenges this year, including having to promptly respond to changes and adapting to stringent requirements from the Romanian government, particularly in implementing the “Support for Romania” programme, the largest social programme involving 2.5 million Romanians (14% of Romania’s population) in which we are proud to participate, Edenred was able to rise to the occasion. Celebrating 25 years of activity in Romania, we leveraged our experience to achieve this year’s objectives. As we reflect on our achievements, we are now gearing up for the next year with even more ambitious targets, set within a compelling national and European economic context. Our focus is to play a more significant role in Romania’s Digitalization Strategy, especially since during the pandemic, Edenred contributed significantly to facilitating digital services and building digital products for its clients.

What were the most important projects the company carried out in 2023?

In 2023, we maintained our commitment to innovation and digitalization while expanding the range of benefits we offer. For example, we implemented a feature that allows employers to offer subscriptions to sports facilities, and we expanded the acceptance of both Edenred Cultural and Edenred Gift cards through partnerships with Destiny Park, the largest edutainment centre in Eastern Europe, and Epic Visits, the platform dedicated to booking unforgettable journeys. We also enhanced the Edenred BIZTRO Club platform, designed for entrepreneurial businesses and SMEs, with a broader range of practical solutions, including support materials, video content, and expert-led workshops.

How important are ESG and sustainability criteria for Edenred Romania?

This year, we unveiled EduFOOD, outlining the strategic direction of the FOOD programme (Fighting Obesity through Offer & Demand) for 2023-2026 in Romania. The initiative, spearheaded by Edenred, stands as the largest European public-private project, spanning 11 countries. Under the EduFOOD umbrella, we introduced two programmes, “Meal and Class” and “Appetite for Health,” specifically designed to target students as future employees. Our primary goal is to educate the youth on the importance of a healthy lifestyle, with a focus on balanced nutrition and sports for harmonious development.


What’s the current state of digital payments in Romania and what changes should we expect to see in the coming years?

Romania’s digital payments market is surging due to factors like digital transformation, improved regulations, and initiatives promoting digital payment solutions. This momentum is expected to continue, driven by a growing emphasis on digital transformation across sectors. In line with this, the objective of Romania’s Recovery and Resilience Plan is to address the country’s digital shortcomings, contributing EUR 6.21 billion—which accounts for 21.8% of Romania’s total allocation—to digital objectives. This includes enhancing the digital skills of SME employees, focusing on emerging technologies, and prioritising the digital transformation of public services. Edenred’s role is to support consumers, SMEs, and the public sector in this digital journey. We actively participate in government-led initiatives, contributing to strategic pillars such as the transition to a green economy, digital transformation, sustainable economic growth, social and territorial cohesion, and health and education for children and youth.

What is your outlook for the benefits industry in 2024?

In 2024, it will be essential to strengthen industry solidarity, foster open dialogue, and collaborate with the government to achieve common goals like digital transformation, supporting 2030 Europe’s Digital Agenda targets. The fringe benefits industry plays a vital role in driving digitalization, improving financial inclusion, and enhancing organisational efficiency, contributing to increased purchasing power and economic growth across various sectors, such as hospitality, retail, culture, and health. Edenred’s business focuses on direct relationships with Romanian entrepreneurs and employers, supporting them in enhancing employees’ professional quality of life through fringe benefits. A key part of our business plan is the Benefit by Edenred online platform, representing the future of our model. This product consolidates fixed and flexible benefits, making them accessible to a broad audience.