Netex Romania Netex Romania
Netex Romania

Netex Romania


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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work - Team building | Netex 2021


The pandemic seems to be dragging on endlessly and it’s no doubt taking its toll on everyone. That’s why employee engagement activities during COVID-19 remain more important than ever before.
With many teams in Netex organization, communication and bonds between colleagues being strained, and economic uncertainty creating new stresses for organizations and their employees, taking steps to reinforce employee engagement and morale is a must.

Guided by all this things, Netex organized the first team-building, after 2020, which brought together all the management teams from all the current projects of the organization.

Team building refers to the activities undertaken by groups of people in order to increase their motivation and boost cooperation. Many people use the phrases “team-building” and “teamwork” interchangeably. However, they are two distinct concepts. While team building places emphasis on the creation of groups, teamwork emphasizes the functions of these groups.

The event toked place on 22-24 August 2021, on Straja. The resort is an Eastern European ski and snowboarding resort, situated at an elevation of 1,440 m in the Vâlcan Mountains Carpathian Mountains, in the Jiu Valley region of Hunedoara County, Romania.

On the first day, after the accommodation and dinner, we did a small exploration of the aria and a relax time and good discussion on a campfire.

The next day, after breakfast, we headed to the place of activities scheduled for Saturday. We had a walk of a few km to the location in the heart of the forests. We were happy to rediscover nature and to connect with what surrounds us, at the same time the temperature in the forest being excellent after the route. The activities where designed make the team goals and objectives clear. Making the goals clear is crucial to the success of any project. It means that every leader should start by providing comprehensive explanations of how each team member’s actions help in achieving the main goals. Apart from making the goals known, leaders also need to establish the specific activities that members should prioritize. This way, every member knows exactly when and where his help is required.

Saturday also ended around the campfire, where the atmosphere was pleasant, the discussions focused on the activities carried out during the day, how they can influence the choices and the daily work of each one, to add value to the Netex organization.

Sunday began with breakfast and continued with a walk on the paths of Stranja to the place where we met The ROCK that would prove to us that no one and nothing can stop us from achieving our goals and defeating the fears that each of us he has them inside him.

After this last activity, we can say, without a doubt, that we have reached our goal of increasing a team’s cohesiveness, productivity, and efficiency by coming up with activities that require members to work together. This process relies on a range of aspects to guarantee its success. These include factors such as good communication skills, clarity of goals, shared leadership, and a sense of accountability.

Netex is a strong organization, with dedicated and involved people who will help it develop and provide excellent services with professional people.