Content Billing Specialist


Content Billing Specialist
60 zile
Experiență negativă Experience negative
Nici o ofertă primită No offer
Niciun răspuns No feedback received

Cum a decurs interviul?

HORIBLE! the proudest woman manager, she looks down her nose at you, doesn't sketch anything, spends a whole hour interviewing with a serious and frightened face. for a whole hour she asks you 1000 questions, which have absolutely nothing to do with the job itself. In short, she's making a mockery of you. Not worth your time!!!

Intrebări și teste la interviu

a lot of questions, more than 50 - in just an hour!!? regarding things in your life that is not related to work at all! but related to your life, to see what character you are!? really? are you actually searching someone that sells you lies, or that will work ? stupid managers! bleah!! disgusting company ever in my life! just DO NOT apply!!!
Experience negative Experiență negativă
No offer Nici o ofertă primită
No feedback received Niciun răspuns