Senior Engineer - Log Platform - Crowdstrike SRL
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Senior Engineer - Log Platform

Publicat 18.07.2024 | Expiră 04.11.2024

Descriere job

About the Project:

CrowdStrike Falcon LogScale, formerly known as Humio, is a centralized log management technology that allows organizations to make data-driven decisions about the performance, security and resiliency of their IT environment.

About the Role:

CrowdStrike is hiring a Software Engineer of Infrastructure to help build and deploy automation and services to drive massive infrastructure scale. We are looking for a highly-technical, hands-on Engineer with experience writing code and automating away problems. You will develop and maintain scripts, software, and infrastructure as code as well as release and monitor that software.

  • Contribute to engineering efforts from rapid prototypes to large-scale applications using code in various languages (e.g. Python, Golang)

  • Automate processes and workflows by coding new tools and scripts

  • Extract data from remote systems and APIs for correlation & analysis

  • Brainstorm, define, and build collaboratively with members across multiple teams

  • Constantly re-evaluate our product to improve architecture, knowledge models, user experience, performance and stability

  • Be an energetic “self-starter” with the ability to take ownership and be accountable for deliverables

  • Collect data and build remediation systems that proactively identify issues, triage, and fix

What You'll Use:

  • Golang

  • Python

  • Linux

  • Docker

  • Jenkins

  • Git

What You’ll Need:

  • Solid knowledge of application development

  • Experience consuming and creating REST APIs

  • Ability to read and write technical documentation

  • Scripting & automation experience

  • You have experience building and operating infrastructure at scale

  • You love systems and software and are competent in both

Bonus Points:

Experience in:

  • Backend service and tool development in Golang, and/or Python

  • AWS

  • Kubernetes

  • Terraform

  • Scala




Crowdstrike SRL

Crowdstrike SRL

20 anunțuri active


21 evaluări

Oportunități de avansare

Pachet salarial

Timp la birou vs. timp liber


Proceduri și valori

Criterii job

Angajat Entry level (< 2 Ani)
Tip job Full-time