Service Desk with German - Connections Consult
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Service Desk with German

Publicat 22.10.2024 | Expiră 06.12.2024

Descriere job

You will work for a multinational manufacturing company, based in Germany and the United States. The company operates worldwide in more than 50 countries and it's the world market leader for clamping technology and gripping systems.

Respond to requests for technical assistance via phone, e-mail, or chat;

Follow standard help desk procedures;

Track and route problems and requests;

Strategically addressing customer needs;

Creating a positive customer experience;

Quickly resolving small or easy-to-manage issues;

Establishing a timeline and protocol for harder-to-solve problems.

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Connections Consult
Angajator transparent

Connections Consult

9 anunțuri active


109 evaluări

Oportunități de avansare

Pachet salarial

Timp la birou vs. timp liber


Proceduri și valori

Criterii job

Angajat Medium level (2-5 Ani)
Tip job Full-time
Orașe Remote
Limbi străine Germană, Engleză