Descoperă Catalogul TOP 100 CEI MAI BUNI ANGAJATORI pentru care să lucrezi în 2025!
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296 evaluări
26 articole
What are the main objectives of your company's human resources strategy this year? Our human resources strategy this year focuses on encouraging employee well-being and maintaining m...
Digital client experiences are more crucial than ever before. According to Ovidiu Pinghioiu, Applications Director at Cegeka Romania, companies must provide digital platforms that are as simple to u...
Cegeka Romania, the local division of the same-named Belgian-born IT group, has now grown to a team of 830 people, with the total number of employees increasing by more than 100 since the beginning ...
The past decade has been one of continuous crises and companies have had to quickly adapt their operations and strategies in order to remain viable. The last year has brought unprecedented change ...
We are happy to announce the launch of the fourth edition of Cegeka Academy, a program dedicated to students in their final year of studies, as well as master's students from technical colleges, who ...
As the accelerated digitization process of the previous two pandemic years continues across all business verticals, Cegeka Romania, the local subsidiary of the same-named Belgian company, added ...
Elena Enache, Director of Applications EDC - Cegeka, has about 10 years of IT expertise and began her career as a Mobile Developer 5 years ago. "It was a seamless move from programming to ...
Brussels - European IT company Cegeka has expanded its cyber security services with the introduction of its latest solution, the C-SOR 2 C Cyber Security Operations and Response Centre. C-SOR 2 C ...
The European IT group Cegeka continues to grow year after year. Based in Hasselt, Belgium, the tech group closed the 2021 financial year with a consolidated turnover of €744 million: this is a 16% i...
Who am I? Hey, my name is Radu Cristina, I'm 22 years old, I recently graduated from the Department of Economic Informatics in the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics at ...
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