Mihai Constandiș, Country Manager Cognizant Romania, in an interview for Economica.net shares valuable insights on the most sought-after technical skills, the importance of adaptability, and the flexibility needed by both companies and tech specialists – a priority that can make all the difference.
What specializations are the hardest to find among Romanian IT professionals and why? How has artificial intelligence influenced the demand for certain IT skills? Mihai also explains how IT professionals can stay up-to-date with market trends.
Read the full interview here: https://www.economica.net/mihai-constandis-cognizant-romania-profesionistii-din-it-sunt-ca-sportivii-trebuie-sa-tina-pasul-cu-tehnologia-durata-unui-set-de-cunostinte-a-scazut-dramatic-la-o-medie-de-2-ani-si-jumatate_768825.html