Descoperă Catalogul TOP 100 CEI MAI BUNI ANGAJATORI pentru care să lucrezi în 2025!
Cei mai buni angajatori caută cei mai buni candidați.
1752 evaluări
13 articole
How do you keep in touch with the most passionate people in #IT when you are a company with over 11 thousand employees worldwide? How do you stay #connected to the specifics of each city you’re p...
As relentless enablers between people and technology, we invite you to embark on a journey on the edge of software development, which will blend in a powerful mix of technical presentations and ...
As relentless enablers between people and technology, we invite you to embark on a disruptive journey of technical presentations and insightful networking. Join us for Connect.IT Sibiu on June 9, ...
Are you eager to hear more about the next piece of future technology that will change our lives? Join us on the 26th of May at the first Connect.IT event in Brasov and enjoy an insightful ...
Providing a learning environment for the local community of IT professionals is the best way to be up to date with industry trends, emerging technologies, best practices and, above all, technical ...
Curious what Connect.IT stands for? It’s a bridge between people and technology in an ever-changing climate, so start the journey by registering here: ! ...
We support the growth of tomorrow’s bright minds by building a bridge between our organisation and the technical universities through Internship & Graduates programmes, student competitions and ded...
For over 20 years, Endava has been a key partner for some of the most important companies in the banking and capital markets areas. Discover more about our technical expertise and dedicated ...
Meet our people, their stories and their contribution to our success at Endava : Engineers Of Endava .
Programe de wellbeing, traininguri și sesiuni de mentorat pentru angajații Endava . Mai multe detalii, aici: htt...
1-10 din 13 rezultate
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