Descoperă viitorul Resurselor Umane din România la Conferința TOP ANGAJATORI!
277 evaluări
25 articole
This year, too we continued to host the Big Data meetups at our office, so we could connect with people interested in big data and gain insights from experts in the field. Our colleagues, Alex D...
On 15 November 2024 we invited our colleagues to join a 24-hour hackathon to experiment on areas like efficiency, green IT, automation, and user experience . The event brought together 70 engineers ...
Our software engineers, Mihăiță Țintă and Ștefan-David Cotruță hit the Java stage at DevCon Bucharest 2024 to deliver the talk “ Why performance testing is a game-changer for Spring application...
In October we hosted Cluj's tech community at our office for insightful discussions and an after-hours laid-back gathering during the launch of Today Software Magazine 's Agile leadership & ways of...
On 15 and 16 October 2024, speakers at Big Data Week offered practical insights into big data and AI on the event's main stage and during workshops. ING Hubs Romania was once again a partner for ...
Interdisciplinarity can offer an edge to companies willing to rely on this concept. Hybrid jobs which combine skills in programming, design and management can lead to innovation and facilitates the ...
From sleepless coding sessions, to triumphant team celebrations, this was the 24h ING #ActAsOne Global Hackathon, 13-14 March 2024. Over 2500 colleagues from 17 countries and 330+ colleagues from ...
S pune-ne ce presupune rolul tău în cadrul companiei. Irina Barbu: Rolul meu este de IT Lead pentru domeniul Touchpoint & Channels, iar orientarea în cadrul domeniului este către proiecte g...
♦ În prezent, echipa ING Hubs România numără 1.600 de angajaţi şi 200 de colaboratori ♦ Aproximatov 30% dintre angajaţii companiei au optat pentru săptămâna de lucru de 4 zile (10h/zi). IN...
Dublul meu rol de contributor pentru Pluria & om de comunicare la ING Hubs România a facilitat astăzi realizarea unui interviu cu colegul meu, Mihai Mogoș - IT Area Lead 😀 Vorbim despre cum ...
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