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ING Hubs Romania ING Hubs Romania
ING Hubs Romania

ING Hubs Romania


296 evaluări

Building an IT career | ING International Talent Programme


Pagini de [cod] powered by ING Hubs Romania explores a range of topics related to software development, the digital landscape, and future technologies. This article discusses the professional journey of Andrei Pietricică, engineer at ING Hubs Romania and answers a question that's on every tech student’s mind: how can a young talent land a good job in IT? 

Andrei expands on the opportunities he got as a trainee in the ING International Talent Programme (ITP), the job rotations that took him from Bucharest to Amsterdam, and the value of working with five different teams. One and a half years after graduation, he holds an engineering role and works towards his goal of becoming a people manager. 

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