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ING Hubs Romania ING Hubs Romania
ING Hubs Romania

ING Hubs Romania


296 evaluări

ING Hubs hangouts | Analytics in action: AI chatbots and fraud prevention


In February we invited in our Bucharest office the tech community to listen to two talks on Artificial Intelligence during our first ING Hubs hangouts of the year. Our expert speakers from the Analytics teams discussed the transformative power of AI in fraud prevention and human-like conversations.

 AI and fraud prevention | Machine learning opportunities and challenges
Fraud is increasingly prevalent in our daily lives and is posing significant challenges to businesses and their customers. How can we prevent fraud, given its many forms?

In this session, Ștefan-Gabriel Filipescu, data analyst, talked about AI solutions designed to prevent fraudulent transactions. He covered the technical aspects of the process and guided the participants through the steps needed for faster and more viable development across various projects.

✅ Beyond LLMs | Human-like conversations 
While we’re experiencing an era of rapid AI advancements, we can only focus on a bunch of them. 

This second session of our event has put the spotlight on GenAI chatbots. Ionuț Ciocoiu, data engineer, covered the most opportune concepts on generative AI and shared with the participants the mandatory aspects to develop their own generative AI solution.


Ștefan-Gabriel Filipescu, data analyst
Ștefan joined ING Hubs Romania in 2022 and has been contributing to the Fraud prevention domain ever since. In his spare time, Ștefan switches from data structures to Lego structures, and swaps perfectly organised Agile boards for haywire board games.

Ionuț Ciocoiu, data engineer 
During his two years with ING Hubs Romania, Ionuț has been contributing to building chatbots for ING clients as part of a global team responsible for chatbot solutions.
When he’s not building analytics components or chatbots, Ionuț is building muscle by practicing outdoor sports.


ING Hubs hangouts is a series of talks, masterclasses, and workshops by ING Hubs Romania, delivering opportunities for learning, networking, and sharing on technology trends, programming languages and related topics