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MHP - A Porsche Company MHP - A Porsche Company
MHP - A Porsche Company

MHP - A Porsche Company


229 evaluări

Tree Huggers


With the slogan “One more tree. One less worry” on April 9th we met for the first instalment of “MHP Forestation Day.” It’s the very first companywide event that took place in Romania since the pandemic. With this event we aimed to bring our unique team flavour back to life while joining forces in doing a good deed for the environment – the Apuseni Mountains. Why here? Because this region has been severely affected by massive illegal deforestation in the past decades leaving the hills and mountains stripped of vegetation and wildlife. Furthermore, the ecosystems forests create are paramount for the quality of life on earth especially for our climate.

The impact of deforestation on global warming is alarming. MHP Romania has been socially active as company since 2014. Our corporate social responsibility is dedicated to various fields and causes from children’s health through well-being to the academic field. Now, with “Forestation Day,” we are broadening our awareness towards the environment. We have countless colleagues at MHP Romania for which the preservation of the environment and sustainability are extremely important causes.

We got right to it and got our hands dirty: we planted 3.000 spruce trees. Roughly 300 colleagues joined the event, digging holes, preparing the ground, planting seedlings. It was cold, windy and it was also raining, but that did not stop us to save the piece of forest around us. Full commitment and good cheers from everyone involved. After a hard day of work, we gathered for a warm meal and bonding chats.