199 evaluări
Site: www.nxp.com
5 articole
We are all part of an unprecedented industry transformation; a major technology disruption is happening as we speak! We live in an era of hyperconnectivity. By 2030, will be more than 75B of smart ...
A few days ago took place #stagiipebune online event, where NXP team formed by Robert David, Vlad Sterian, Teodor Matei, Eduard, Azamfirei, Maria Bertesteanu, Simona Almajan, ...
“2021 started as a year of hope. Everyone wanted to see the pandemic going away. The world is now experiencing new crises for semiconductors, steel, energy. We are building more and consuming m...
“We are going through a disruption. We are all waiting for the self-driving cars, and this will be a reality at some point in the future. We don’t know when, probably 2030 or later. It’s ...
“2021 has been a year of accelerated growth for NXP globally, based on a very strong recovery of the automotive market coupled with a consistent growth of the IoT demand across the world, with ...
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