Descoperă Catalogul TOP 100 CEI MAI BUNI ANGAJATORI pentru care să lucrezi în 2025!

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NXP Semiconductors Romania NXP Semiconductors Romania
NXP Semiconductors Romania

NXP Semiconductors Romania


244 evaluări

NXP at Stagii pe bune


A few days ago took place #stagiipebune online event, where NXP team formed by Robert David, Vlad Sterian, Teodor Matei, Eduard, Azamfirei, Maria Bertesteanu, Simona Almajan, presented NXP, the #automotive #software products developed in Bucharest as part of NXP Edge Processing and Automotive portfolio, Radar SDK and Real Time Drivers and held a Q&A session about being an intern at NXP.
The event is recorded here:

You can apply for #intern positions at the below link: