124 evaluări
Site: www.se.com/ro/ro
Blog: https://blog.se.com
7 articole
Vă invităm să aflați de la Cristina câteva bune practici din strategia de HR a companiei prin care a reușit performanța de a se clasa în fruntea preferințelor angajaților din România. 1. Ce ...
Cristina Mancas, HR Vice-President SEE at Schneider Electric, tells BR that 2022—when the company celebrated 25 years of operations on the Romanian market—was full of initiatives that focused on imp...
" In the midst of the biggest energy crisis in recent years, Business Review talked to Petr Hermann, Cluster President & CEO, South East Europe, at Schneider Electric, about his company’s role as ...
"Shneider Electric a fost numit Global Parity Alliance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Lighthouse pentru Global Pay Equity (GPE), de către Centrul pentru Noua Economie şi Societate al World Ec...
Schneider Electric aniversează 25 de ani de activitate în România prin intermediul subsidiarei sale locale, conform unui comunicat remis redacţiei. Una dintre cele mai performante şi mai longevive or...
“Trust and confidence have suffered from severe erosion during the pandemic, we need to restore them and in doing so we also show the people how important they are to help us build together the fu...
Curious about Schneider Electric Romania and our purpose ? You’re in the right place! We are in Romania since 1997 and we have more than 300 people here. Our Headquarter is base...
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