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Top General Angajatori 2023 Top General Angajatori 2023 Schneider Electric Romania Schneider Electric Romania
Schneider Electric Romania

Schneider Electric Romania


138 evaluări

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A few facts about Romania & our purpose


Curious about Schneider Electric Romania and our purpose? You’re in the right place! 

We are in Romania since 1997 and we have more than 300 people here. Our Headquarter is based in Bucharest and we are organized in a different manner: 

Commercial organization (sales teams and support teams (HR, IT, Finance, Marketing) 

Bucharest Hub (our Customer Care Center where we speak 16 foreign languages and we offer support for 25 countries from Europe) 

We’re a technology company. The value we bring to the world: sustainability, efficiency, and resilience which is something we’ve learnt the hard way during COVID-19.

When you look at the world today, well, everyone is speaking about COVID, right? And everyone is focused on fighting COVID. But at Schneider, we believe that we shouldn’t lose sight of the bigger problems in front of us. And for the past 20 years our technology, our people, and our collective creativity are focused on fighting the very difficult equation of climate change. But at the end of the day, climate change is very simple. It’s all about carbon emission and carbon emission is all about energy production and consumption. So, that’s where Schneider has a unique position where it leverages technology to bring a solution.

Our customers have become more aware of the dimensions of sustainability. Sustainability is already the capacity to keep operating your installations and your companies in difficult situations. But it’s also the fact that our businesses have to become carbon neutral, have to trend to net-zero. So, we see sustainability at Schneider as something very holistic. We see that the time is now, and that there is a need to take sustainability to the next level. At Schneider, we play on both sides of the equation, leading by example in our own ecosystem while also providing solutions for our customers, helping them on their sustainability journey. And we want to make sure that we lead in our industry in the field of sustainability.

We’ve been recognized in multiple manners for our engagement in sustainability; this benefits our customers. 

This year, we have been named by Corporate Knights as the World’s most sustainable corporation.

We are the trusted advisor of our customer in the field of sustainability, helping them/ you to digitize, strategize, execute, and iterate on their/ your sustainability strategy. Helping our customers to become greener. We have committed over the next five year to help our customers save more than 100 million tons of carbon a year to help decarbonize our operation.