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Top General Angajatori 2023 Top General Angajatori 2023 Schneider Electric Romania Schneider Electric Romania
Schneider Electric Romania

Schneider Electric Romania


132 evaluări

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Cristina Mancas, Schneider Electric: “Communication is a key tool to build trust and develop a richer organizational culture”


“Trust and confidence have suffered from severe erosion during the pandemic, we need to restore them and in doing so we also show the people how important they are to help us build together the future of work,” Cristina Mancas, Vice President of HR SEE at Schneider Electric told The Diplomat-Bucharest.

“The main challenge for our industry is and will be for quite a while from now on recruiting and retaining the best talents in the company and in Romania for that matter. We see that the brain drain continues to happen even more so now, when people can stay here and work for any company in the world. This is a trend we all need to work hard to reverse.”

You can read the full article here: