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Top General Angajatori 2023 Top General Angajatori 2023 Schneider Electric Romania Schneider Electric Romania
Schneider Electric Romania

Schneider Electric Romania


137 evaluări

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Schneider Electric: Believing in the energy and ingenuity of young generations


Cristina Mancas, HR Vice-President SEE at Schneider Electric, tells BR that 2022—when the company celebrated 25 years of operations on the Romanian market—was full of initiatives that focused on improving the employee experience.

How would you describe your HR policy?

Romania is one of the most important, longest-standing subsidiaries of Schneider Electric in South-East Europe. We have many positions that service more than one country, as we coordinate three countries from Bucharest, and we have a team of global internal communicators right here in our headquarters. We are in touch with the entire world of Schneider Electric every day. So, naturally, our HR policy is a very digital, very global one.

We tend to practice what we preach, so as a champion of digitalization and sustainability, we offer global, digital talent platforms for our colleagues to learn and develop. We also create and implement local projects that are aimed at creating a vibrant organisational culture. We have a lot to catch up on after years of working from home and we want to do that in a meaningful and useful way.

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