Teilor Teilor



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The latest news from Teilor


Meet Florentina Popescu, our Store Manager in Ploiesti. 

She found her dream job by working in luxury industry where her passion for beauty led her to know everything about diamonds and offer the best counselling for our clients.

She quickly evolved to store manager role and today she coordinates two big teams from our locations in Ploiesti.



Meet Ioana Radu, our incredible Head of Visual Artistry. She has an eye of an artist and the power to create the most incredible images of luxury jewellery.

“We climb the same mountain with the same ambition: to become better and better with every day, to put our touch, our personality and our expertise in the smallest thing that we do here”.

Ioana Radu, we are so lucky to have you on #TEILOR team.




Other news:

1. Anda Jurca: ”The first quarter meant an impressive increase for High End jewelry”.

Read the full article here: https://www.forbes.ro/anda-jurca-teilor-trimestrul-insemnat-o-crestere-impresionanta-pentru-bijuteriile-din-categoria-high-end-223928   


2. Teilor arrives on the Red Carpet at the Cannes International Film Festival

Read the full article here: https://www.forbes.ro/teilor-ajunge-pe-red-carpet-la-festivalul-international-de-film-de-la-cannes-222550