Descoperă viitorul Resurselor Umane din România la Conferința TOP ANGAJATORI!
251 evaluări
34 articole
V is for veeam together – because we believe every team member plays a vital role, and together, we create extraordinary results. Fuelled by our values: veeam team. elevate & innovate. empower cu...
🎉 What a wonderful evening in London as our United Kingdom & Ireland Veeamers came together for our Winter Warmer party! ❄️ Along with connecting and looking forward to 2025, we took time to support...
Recently, Kinda and Federica from Veeam were sponsored to attend the Women In Tech Awards in Paris. Check out their story here: ...
"Our focus was on delivering role-specific content and activities to ensure that each new hire received the training they needed to excel in their positions." Read more about her achievements in ...
Just like people, companies grow and mature over time – and we've just turned 18! This new age represents our evolution into a stronger and more resilient organization – as we become resp...
“To me, Bisexual Awareness Week is about finding community, feeling supported, and celebrating my identity as a bisexual individual." Read about how we're building an inclusive Veeam Team with Pride ...
Did you know that we receive more than TWO HUNDRED applications for each tech job we post? To help you stand out, Recruiter Daria Bondar shares her top 3 tips for acing your next interview. Check ...
Introducing Liv, our exceptional Senior Enablement Specialist! We flew her team to Costa Rica to train our Sales Development Reps because we’re serious about investing in our people and helping th...
Why join our Sales Development team? Ryan's got 3! Check out his video on instagram here:
🌟 Started as an Intern now I’m here 🌟 I started my journey at Veeam as an intern, and the experience was transformative. Read Sandra's full story on our insta page, follow us here: htt...
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