Descoperă Catalogul TOP 100 CEI MAI BUNI ANGAJATORI pentru care să lucrezi în 2025!
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495 evaluări
8 articole
Constanța is our 3 rd commercial site in Veo. 1132 square meters of space are crafted to inspire creativity and productivity. 69+ bilingual experts fluent in Spanish, Italian, Po...
April was about indoor challenges at Veo across our offices worldwide. Competition and team spirit were very much present. But these games are more than just fun - they're catalysts for ...
Last week, in Moldova, at the ASEM (the Academy of Economic Studies), we hosted a professional workshop to introduce students to work-integrated learning and provide them with insights and ...
Continuing our global journey, we established a new site in Rabat, Morocco . We're thrilled to introduce our commercial team, fluent in Spanish , Portuguese , and Arabic . They are the f...
We are absolutely thrilled to open our doors to the talented students from SUM (the State University of Moldova), the French branch of the Faculty of Economics and Translations, for a day filled ...
We love a good celebration, yet we never lose sight of the undeniable truth – success is the result of dedication and hard work . As we mark the 17 th anniversary of Veo , we find ou...
Our colleagues in Moldova showcased their spirit and athleticism at the Chișinău Big Hearts Marathon , seizing victory and bringing home gold for Veo . The weekend saw their dedication unfold as ...
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